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SA Tenders and Contracts

Primary Industries and Regions South Australia
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Search Results 

Reference # Contract Title Start Date Expiry Date Total Cost
PIRSA054711 PAR16820 - Preparing Primary Industries for the impact of compounding and complex disasters
4 July 2024 31 Dec 2024 $ 131,330.00
PIRSA054898 SARDI 37714 - EOI - a Licence to Commercialise a New Woolly Pod Vetch (Vicia villosa) Variety
28 June 2024 31 Dec 2029 $ 0.00
PIRSA054246 PAR14496 - Mail and Courier Services
1 Mar 2024 28 Feb 2025 $ 535,000.00
PIRSA054330 Evaluation of Business Resilience Programs
13 Feb 2024 14 June 2024 $ 81,250.00
PIRSA054213 Review of PIRSA's Family and Business Mentor Service
9 Feb 2024 9 Aug 2024 $ 100,000.00
PIRSA054009 PAR11549 Provision of Fruit fly Response Field Staff Uniform
11 Jan 2024 10 Jan 2025 $ 75,000.00
PAR11549 Provision of Fruit Fly Response Field Staff Uniforms
11 Jan 2024 10 Jan 2025 $ 75,000.00
PAR10264 Procurement of Fruit Fly Male Annihilation Technique (MAT) Devices
28 Dec 2023 28 Dec 2024 $ 1,650,230.00
PIRSA053316 PAR5166 - Design Concept for Coastal Research Vessel
6 Nov 2023 6 May 2024 $ 215,992.00
PIRSA053839 PAR11459 – Supply of Shearing and Crutching Services
31 Oct 2023 31 Oct 2024 $ 325,000.00
PAR11445 Provision of Aerial Sterile Insect Technical Release (SIT)
4 Oct 2023 3 Oct 2024 $ 3,900,000.00
A6012884 Standard Goods and Services Agreement South Australian Research and Development Institute Research and Development Committee
28 Sept 2023 30 Sept 2024 $ 20,000.00
A6004442 Standard Goods and Services Agreement South Australian Research and Development Institute Research and Development Committee
18 Sept 2023 30 Sept 2024 $ 20,000.00
A6004366 Standard Goods and Services Agreement South Australian Research and Development Institute Research and Development Committee
18 Sept 2023 30 Sept 2024 $ 20,000.00
PIRSA052831 PAR8696 - Remotely Operated Vehicle and camera system for biomass assessments and habitat surveys
14 June 2023 16 June 2025 $ 154,226.00
Pages: 1 2 3 4 Records: 1 - 15 of 60